Saturday, 29 September 2012

Documentaries Expose Persecution of Falun Gong and Live Organ Harvesting: Screened in US Capitol and UN Palace of Nations

( Award-winning documentaries Free China: The Courage to Believe and Between Life and Death were screened at the United Nations Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva and at the U.S. Capitol in Wahington, D.C., in September 2012. The films exposed the persecution of Falun Gong and the crime of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners currently taking place in China.
Award-Winning Documentaries

Free China: The Courage to Believe, a documentary about widespread persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, has won 5 prestigious film awards since its release in early 2012, including the top award in its category at the West Hollywood’s Awareness Film Festival (May 2012) and Honor Award at the LA Indie Film Festival (September 2012). The film profiles the lives of two Falun Gong practitioners and the danger and pain they encountered in China in their quest for spiritual freedom. Incarcerated and at risk of being killed for their organs, they were shocked with electric batons, force-fed and subjected to slave labor to produce items exported to the West. The film touches on many angles of the communist regime's persecution of Falun Gong, including imprisonment, torture, brainwashing, forced labor, live organ harvesting and Internet censorship, offering the audience a broad view of the human rights abuses taking place in China. Between Life and Death, a documentary investigating the surge of organ transplants in China over the past decade, won a merit award in the

Investigative Reporting/News Documentary category at the 47th Chicago International Film Festival in April 2012. By analyzing the Chinese government's officially published numbers and media reported cases; interviewing independent investigators, professionals and witnesses; and citing the testimony of a principal criminal apprehended by Israeli police, the film documents how the Chinese communist regime systematically built up a large organ and tissue database of Falun Gong practitioners and other dissidents and then harvested their organs while they were still alive to sell to patients for huge monetary gain.

UN Delegates Condemn Live Organ Harvesting and Persecution of Falun Gong

The 21st session of the UN Human Rights Council convened in the Palace of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, on September 10-28, 2012. On September 18, the International Educational Development, a California-based human rights organization, urged the UN to make an emergency investigation into organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China. Award-winning documentaries Free China: The Courage to Believe and Between Life and Death, exposing the Chinese regime's persecution of Falun Gong and crime of organ harvesting, were screened in the Palace of Nations the following day. The films shocked the delegates and NGO representatives in attendance. Some attendees asked if these films could be screened in their countries and organizations so that more people could learn the truth.
Panel discussion after Free China: The Courage to Believe film screening at the UN Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva, on September 19, 2012.
Marc Falquet, chairman of the Commission on Human Rights of the Grand Council of Geneva: Chinese regime is destroying the best of society by persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Speaking of organ harvesting, chairman of the Commission on Human Rights of the Grand Council of Geneva, Marc Falquet, said that he was shocked to learn that Chinese government had systematically organized such crime. He pointed out that in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners the regime is destroying the best of Chinese society. Mr. Falquet believed that exposing the truth will stop the evil, so it is very important to let more people know about the persecution and organ harvesting as soon as possible. Following recommendation by the Worldwide Organization for Women (WOW), the two films were screened at the Palace of Nations again on September 21. Ms. Afton Beutler, president of WOW, hosted the second screening.
Ms. Afton Beutler, president of the Worldwide Organization for Women: UN should go to China to investigate over the live organ harvesting. When introducing the films, Ms. Beutler noted that Chinese regime's crime of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners is not yet widely known. She pointed out that live organ harvesting violates basic human dignity and urged the UN and international community to launch an independent investigation into this human rights catastrophe. Many delegates and representatives at the UN Human Rights Council meeting said that they had learned about live organ harvesting through various channels over the past several years. They felt greatly encouraged that it could be exposed during the 21st session of the Human Rights Council and said that they would do their part to spread the truth and stop this grotesque crime. The mainstream media in Switzerland and other countries also recently reported on this crime, further exposing the gross human rights abuses taking place in China to the public. Free China: The Courage to Believe Screened in the US CapitolThe documentary Free China: The Courage to Believe had a private screening at the U.S. Capitol on the evening of September 20. The viewers were shocked and deeply moved by the contents of the film.
Congressman Chris Smith: Free China film gives people hope. U.S. Congressman Chris Smith (R-N.J.) thanked Free China producers for giving people hope. He said that the film is much more than a documentary, as it not only told of the sufferings endured by Falun Gong practitioners, but also demonstrated practitioners' courage. The congressman also noted that the Chinese regime's fragility was clearly exposed in the film: The regime had initially endorsed Falun Gong as a peaceful and beneficial cultivation practice, but later felt threatened and launched a brutal persecution to eradicate the practice. “There's no doubt in my mind that policy makers at the U.S. Department of State, in Congress (House and Senate), even the president of the United States and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton--they need to watch this [film] to really get the gravity of the oppression that is all encompassing, that is spread by the propaganda machine of Chinese agenda,” said Congressman Smith. He hoped that the film could be spread through the Internet, television and other broadcast networks, so that hundreds of millions of people could learn the truth, be encouraged and moved, and take action. When the truth is known to the public, the evil will cease to exist. Congressman Smith emphasized the importance of taking immediate action and pointed out that the crime of organ harvesting goes beyond endurable human limit and challenges the limitations of human language. On September 12, he and U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) co-chaired a hearing titled "Organ Harvesting of Religious and Political Dissidents by the Chinese Communist Party" on Capitol Hill. On September 18, Congressman Smith's report detailing the evidence of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners was published in the Washington Post. The congressman also co-sponsored a “Dear Colleague” letter, asking the State Department to release any information it may have relating to organ transplant abuse in China.
Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett, chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom: Falun Gong practitioners' courage and perseverance in the face of persecution is inspiring. Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett, chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, said that she was deeply impressed by Falun Gong practitioners' perseverance and their courage to strive for freedom of belief in a peaceful manner. She noted that even under cruel, long-term persecution, Falun Gong practitioners have stuck to kindness, tolerance and peace. They face everything with the hope and spirit of never giving up, she said, and their stories inspire others to be better people.
Michael Horowitz, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute: Falun Gong practitioners will change history. Michael Horowitz, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, thought that the most important issue in the 21st century is where China is heading. This has significance for everyone around the globe and their descendants, he said. The two Falun Gong practitioners interviewed in the film, along with millions of other Falun Gong practitioners, are real heroes, said Mr. Horowitz with emotion. It is because of their courage and efforts that freedom will come and history will be rewritten, he added, and this will ensure that the next generation can have freedom. “I express my deepest gratitude to the Falun Gong practitioners. I really admire you!” said Mr. Horowitz.

Friday, 28 September 2012

High School Student Appeals for Her Mother's Release

( Ms. You Jinying, 40, a Falun Gong practitioner from Fujin City in Heilongjiang Province was arrested on July 14, 2012, when she was seen distributing truth-clarification materials in Yongde Village, Beigang Township, Suibin County. She was later detained in the Suibin County Detention Center. Ms. You's 17-year-old daughter, who lived alone with her mother, went to the Suibin Police Station to inquire about her. However, the director of the police department cursed at her and told her, “Your mother will soon be shot.” Four other Falun Gong practitioners were arrested at the same time as Ms. You, and some of them have been on a hunger strike to resist the persecution.
Ms. You was later transferred to the Second Detention Center in Hegang City. The authorities at the detention center called Ms. You's daughter and told her that she could come to visit her mother. However, when Ms. You's daughter, who was accompanied by other adults, went to visit her, they were refused entry to the detention center.

Ms. You's daughter started a legal case against the Suibin County Police Department to help her mother seek justice, and sent an open appeal letter to the authorities.

Copy of the appeal letter:
The accused:
Lu Jiansheng, director of Suibin County Police Department
Zhang Zhenqiang, head of Suibin County Domestic Security Division
Liu Yuncai, deputy head of Suibin County Domestic Security Division
Li Zhanlin, deputy head of Suibin County Domestic Security Division
Gao Tiejun, officer from Suibin County Domestic Security Division
Plaintiff: Ms. You Donghui, 17, student at the First High School of Fujin City. The daughter of Ms. You Jinying.

Reasons for accusation:
The accused persons stated above abused their power and illegally detained Ms. You Jinying using the false accusation of “undermining the law.”
My mother, Ms. You Jinying, was arrested by officers from Beigang Police Department at 9 p.m. on July 14, 2012, when she was seen distributing truth-clarification materials in Yongde Village, Beigang Township, Suibin County, and is being held in the Hegang City Second Detention Center. To protect my mother's rights and her freedom of belief that is granted by the Constitution, I initially wrote an open letter to the Suibin Police Department titled “Let My Mother Return Home,” asking for her immediate release, and sent it on July 20, 2012. I have not received a reply from the police department.

My grandparents and I suffer every day without my mother. I am deeply disappointed by the behavior of the accused persons in detaining my mother. Their abuse of power is not acceptable. Thus, I would like to appeal and request the police department and the staff working on this case to follow the law, and immediately release my mother. They should respect her belief and defend the Constitution.
My mother is a practitioner of Falun Gong and has never tried to hide her belief from anyone. Because of the benefits she received from practicing, and following the principles of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance, she wanted more people to learn the facts about the practice and benefit from it like she did. However, she was arrested for talking to people about Falun Gong.
My mother was in poor health before she started practicing, and had coronary heart disease and problems with her kidneys. Although our financial situation was very poor, she still had to seek medical treatment. Since she started to practice Falun Gong, she strives to follow the principles of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance to become a good person, all of her illnesses disappeared and she has never broken any law.

I do not understand why a good person is arrested, detained and is going to be sentenced. What is her crime? She obeys the law, is honest, does not swear at people, does not use violence, and just does exercises to gain better health. But these actions caused her to be imprisoned. I do not understand. The only conclusion I can draw from this is that, some people who do not follow the law and do not respect human rights insisted on abusing their power to recklessly persecute my mother. I hope these accused persons can be aware of their mistakes, apologize and correct them. Some of the accused cursed at my mother, and some said that she would be shot. Some even beat my mother. As personnel who are supposed to carry out the law, they knew the law but still chose break it. They must be held accountable for their actions.

Ever since my mother was detained, I have worked hard to study the Constitution and the law. According to article 36 in the Constitution, “Citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of religious belief. No state organ, public organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not believe in, any religion.” In 2005, the Ministry of Public Security identified 14 religions as cults in China, but Falun Gong was not mentioned at all. Besides that, article 300 of the Criminal Law which refers to cults, is most commonly used to charge Falun Gong practitioners with a crime, but it actually contradicts Article 36 of the Constitution. Anyone's belief is from his or her own thoughts, and freedom of thinking should be respected and protected by the law. The

Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2012-2015), all have clear definitions on this issue. These regulations should be carried out without any compromise!

I live in a single-parent family. My mother raised me through hard work, and there is a strong bond between us. Although our financial situation is not good, as long as my mother is around, I always feel very happy. I am still a student studying at the Fujin First High School. Without any income, I rely on the my mother's hard work to support my tuition and simple lifestyle. I need to continue my studies, and I also need my mother to live with me. This is the most basic wish of a daughter. I need my mother back. No matter what, these accused persons cannot deprive a child's right to the love of her mother. I believe that one day, my deeply beloved mother will live in a society which experiences freedom. The coming of this day needs the awakening of everyone, including these accused persons.
I expect my mother You Jinying to be released immediately!

Ms. You Donghui

Open letter to the Suibin Police Department: “Let my mother return home”

My name is You Donghui. I am 17 years old, and currently studying at the First High School in Fujin City. I will be in 11th grade after the new semester starts. When I was four years old, I was sick, and my cruel father refused to pay for me to go to the hospital. When I was five years old, my parents got divorced. It has now been 12 years that my mother and I have lived alone. My father never cared for us, and never gave us any financial support.

When I was young my mother's health was poor. When she was unable to get up from her bed because of the pain in her back, she had to take medicine. When the medicine did not help and she could not cope with the pain she had to have injections. My mother was unable to work, and since she did not have much money, we had to rely on help from others. I was a little child at the time and had already became a burden to my mother. I have always relied on my mother for my livelihood and to provide for my studies.

In July 1999, my mother, who was now divorced and at the most difficult time of her life, was fortunate enough to start the practicing Falun Gong. After several years of practicing all of her illnesses had totally disappeared. Falun Gong gave her a new life. After my mother, a petite woman, became healthy, she was constantly doing heavy, laborious jobs. She was either busy planting and harvesting crops on the farm, or doing other odd jobs. My mother was always optimistic and full of energy. She never re-married, and never thought of me as a burden to her. Without such a great mother, my studies and aspirations would have been for naught.

My mother always instructed me to be a good person and not to take advantage of others. When I was bullied by a classmate one time, I went home in tears and told my mother about it. I thought that she would take my side and back me up. However, to my surprise, my mother told me that I should forgive my classmate and that I should learn to be tolerant and that I should act in accordance with the principles of Falun Gong. I now know deep in my heart that the change of my mother's physical health and everything I have today is because of Falun Gong. Without Falun Gong, I would not have a mother or a home.

I know very well that in this society, my mother is facing danger every day, and I worry for her safety. I still remember that my mother told me one day emotionally in tears, that it is her duty to let people know about Falun Gong because there are many prophecies that predict when human morality has decayed, bad people will be eliminated. People must know that Falun Gong is good. Those who do not to recognize Truth-Compassion-Forbearance and choose to follow the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will be eliminated. My mom is doing this to help people choose a good future.
The Constitution states that Chinese citizens have freedom of belief. What my mother was doing was to help others, and everything she did was legal. Falun Dafa is a righteous teaching, and teaches one to be compassionate. There is nothing wrong in promoting Truth-Compassion-Forbearance to other villagers.

When my mother went out on the night of July 14, I stayed at home, hoping that she would come back early. I also prayed in my heart that villagers will benefit from Falun Gong like she did.

However, my mother did not return home. I was anxious and had a bad feeling. An auntie later told me that my mother had been arrested. I have to face the possibility of having to leave school, and even become homeless. On the third day after my mother was arrested, I went to the Suibin Police Department to look for her. I thought that the police would be as warm and trustworthy as mentioned in our school textbooks. But when I stopped a man referred to by others as “director”, and told him that I was looking for my mother who practices Falun Gong, he forcefully got rid of me. He even said that my mother would be shot. I did not think that he would joke with me. I even believed that I had talked to the wrong person.

The police also said that they would take my mother to a brainwashing center to “transform” her. My mother is a practitioner of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance, and is a good person. How do you want to “transform” her? Do you want to make my mother lie, do bad deeds and fight with others? Do you want her to become a bad person without conscience or justice? Is this the current China where even the police would like to have more bad people and less good people? If it is indeed so, I even believe all the more that when human morality decays to its lowest point, bad people will be eliminated.
Please do not use the power in your hands to undermine the enforcement of the law that is supposed to protect a citizen's freedom of belief. You are committing a crime. On the day when Falun Gong receives justice, you will also become scapegoats for the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong.

During the Nuremberg Trials at the end of World War II, those who participated in the persecution of the Jews tried to defend themselves by claiming that they were carrying out the law of the country. But the judges determined that those laws were against the conscience of humankind, and therefore could not be considered as laws. As the result, even the doctors working at the concentration camps were taken to the gallows. When you persecute my mother, you are even breaking the current law of the CCP, not to mention international law. Thus, even at my young age I can tell you that those who participate in the persecution of my mother and other practitioners will be tried as criminals.
As long as my mother is not back home, I will resist the tremendous amount of pressure from the authorities and will never stop my appeal.

Daughter of You Jinying

An Army Major Is Detained Again after Ten Years of Unjust Imprisonment

Name: Wang Youjiang (王有江)
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Address: Lanzhou City, Gansu Province
Occupation: Former Major of Lanzhou Military Region's Communication Division
Date of Most Recent Arrest: July 30, 2012
Most Recent Place of Detention: Lanzhou City Second Detention Center (兰州第二看守所)
Persecution Suffered: S
leep deprivation, forced labor, brainwashing, illegal sentencing, beatings, imprisonment, solitary confinement, torture, interrogation, detention, denial of restroom use ( Practitioner Mr. Wang Youjiang, former major of the Lanzhou Military Region's Communication Division, was illegally imprisoned for ten years. Within two years of his release and return to his hometown, he was harassed and threatened by the authorities from Yongdeng County Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s Political and Legal Committee and the 610 Office. He was arrested again on July 30, 2012. On August 16, his family received notification that he had been taken to Lanzhou City Second Detention Center, and he was charged by the Lanzhou City's Chengguan Procuratorate with the crime of “using a cult organization to undermine law enforcement.” Since the persecution of Falun Gong started on July 20, 1999, Mr. Wang has been arrested and detained multiple times. He had been detained in Xiguoyuan Detention Center in Lanzhou, in Xigusiergou Detention Center in Lanzhou, and in Lanzhou City Dashaping Prison before he was sentenced to a 10-year prison term on January 10, 2001. He was tortured, and was released on January 9, 2012.   Mr. Wang's hometown is Yongdeng County, Gansu Province. He was assigned to work at the central communication terminal of Lanzhou Military Region after obtaining his bachelor's degree from Zhangjiakou Communication College. Later he was transferred to the 27th Division of the Lanzhou Military Region. His excellent skills, diligence, and dependability earned him praise from his peers and superiors alike. He benefited a great deal after he started practicing Falun Gong in 1998.   When the CCP started the persecution and slandered Falun Gong, Mr. Wang went to Beijing on January 3, 2000, to speak out for Falun Gong. He was detained secretly for over two months by his military unit on the charge of violating political discipline. During his detention, the special case team attempted to coerce him to renounce Falun Gong. In late December 2000, he went to Beijing again and was intercepted at the Zhongwei Railroad Station in Ningxia and detained in the railroad waiting room for a day. Then he was transferred to the Taoshuping Detention Center in Lanzhou City, where he was detained for a week.   Mr. Wang's direct supervisor was subjected to tremendous pressure from higher level officers regarding Mr. Wang's practice of Falun Gong. Knowing the situation, Mr. Wang requested to transfer out of his current workplace. Before he could finish the necessary paperwork, he was once again arrested on January 6, 2001, by Lanzhou City Police Department's First Division.   On January 10, 2001, he was detained in Cell 4, Team 4, Xiguoyuan Detention Center in Lanzhou City. On July 3, 2001, the CCP-controlled Chengguan District Court sentenced him to a ten-year prison term at a secret trial. During his prison term, he was beaten by the guards and forced to do long hours of slave labor. He was deprived of sleep and locked up in solitary cell. In July when he was transferred to Xigusiergou Detention Center in Lanzhou City, he was unable to stand without help. In October he was taken to the Dashaping Labor Camp Hospital for emergency treatment. Because of the inhuman treatment and his hunger strike in protest of the mistreatment, he was extremely weak and his health deteriorated. He was once taken to the Lanzhou City Prison Hospital. Once his health improved a little, he was returned to the prison.   In May 2004, Mr. Wang suffered severe spinal deformation as a result of the torture. He was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis. The blood circulation in his lower limbs was impeded. He suffered cervical stiffness. He could not move his head easily and lacked strength. He also experienced severe pain. Previously healthy and vigorous, Mr. Wang was on the verge of death. In August 2008, the prison authorities used the Olympic Games as an excuse to further persecute detained practitioners. Mr. Wang was twice locked up in solitary confinement, one time as long as 15 days. His family was once not allowed to visit for half a year. On January 9, 2011, after suffering all kinds of inhuman treatment, Mr. Wang completed his prison term and returned home. Ten years of imprisonment had transformed him into a person who could not take care of himself.  Through practicing Falun Gong, Mr. Wang's health improved. However, the authorities never stopped harassing and persecuting him. The Yongdeng County Political and Legal Committee, the local 610 Office, the local police, and the neighborhood committee kept harassing and threatening him at home and made it impossible for him and his family to have a normal life. His family members, especially his 75-year-old parents, suffered constant harassment and mental tension. On April 26, 2012, several officials from Lanzhou City Political and Legal Committee, the 610 Office, and Lanzhou City Prison broke into Mr. Wang's home. On July 30, 2012, he was arrested in Lanzhou City and is currently detained at Lanzhou City's 2nd Detention Center.  Personnel involved in persecuting Mr. Wang in Yongdeng County (area code: +86-931) Wei Xuchang, secretary of the county CCP committee: +86-931-6423199, +86-13609313007
Yang Ping, county head and deputy secretary of the county CCP committee: +86-931-6432189
Zhang Yanxiang, Propaganda Division Head of the county CCP committee: +86-931-6428255, +86-

Wang Yubao, secretary of the county committee of politics and law enforcement, police chief: +86-931-6416782, +86-13919034888
He Jianjun, head of the Armed Forced Division: +86-931-6422545, +86-13819490688
Liu Xueqiang, head of the Organization Division: +86-931-6423066, +86-13919081119
Ma Liren, county CCP office director: +86-931-6423570, +86-13699375777
Zhang Fucang, deputy county head: +86-931-6423810, +86-13893307288
Zhao Chengshun, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission: +86-931-6423762, +86-13893122272

Lanzhou City's Chengguan District Court
Lai Xingping, chief presiding judge
Liu Baosen, judge
Court office: +86-931-2150162
Case registration office: +86-931-2150212
Criminal court: +86-931-2150184
Gansu Province High Court Office: +86-931- 853 2114

Liang Mingyuan, chief justice
Nan Mingfa, deputy chief justice and deputy secretary of the court CCP committee
 Lanzhou City's Chengguan District Procuratorate  Office: +86-931-8465078
Zhao Yinsheng, chief prosecutor
 Lanzhou City Prison
Yang Wancheng, warden: +86-931-8369536 (office), +86-931-8366398 (home)
Shi Tianyou, deputy warden: +86-931-8373540 (office)
Liu Yuanzhen: +86-931-8369475 (office)
Luo Weixin: +86-931-8367615(office)
Yang Xinghua: +86-931-8367612(office)

Saturday, 8 September 2012

1. Police Officer Zhou Zhong Continues to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners in Zhucheng City

( Zhou Zhong and a police officer surnamed Jiao recently led several officers from the Chenggezhuang Police Station in Zhucheng City to go door to door to local Falun Gong practitioners' homes to interrogate and harass them. They arrested Ms. Zheng Xizhen and confiscated her Falun Gong books, a printer and other personal belongings.

  Ms. Zheng was detained in the Chenggezhuang Police Station for two days before she was transferred to the Zhucheng City Domestic Security Division. She was handcuffed and held in an office. The police informed her family to come to visit her and bring 10,000 yuan in ransom money. On the fifth night, Ms. Zheng escaped from the Domestic Security Division. Zhou Zhong and others are searching for her.  


Since 2003, Zhou Zhong and officers from the Domestic Security Division have gone to local Falun Gong practitioners' homes or workplaces to arrest them and confiscate their personal belongings. They detained the practitioners and then extorted money from their families before releasing them. If the practitioners couldn't afford the ransom money, they were sentenced to prison or forced labor. On December 31, 2006, when Zhou Zhong and others were driving to Jinan, their car crashed. Zhou   Zhong's vertebrae and arms were injured, but the driver and others were unscathed. After Zhou

Zhong recovered from his injuries, he was transferred to the Chenggezhuang Town Police Station. He continued persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. He often broke into local practitioners' homes and ransacked them. Many practitioners were held in the Zhucheng Detention Center for more than a month, and each of them had between 8,000 to 10,000 yuan extorted from them. On the afternoon of April 28, 2008, Zhou Zhong, who was drunk at the time, drove out of the Chenggezhuang Police Station along with four other police officers. When they arrived at a village, their car collided with a large truck, and rolled underneath it. Four people were seriously injured and the car was demolished.

  After experiencing two serious car accidents, Zhou Zhong still did not wake up and pay attention to the warnings. He continued persecuting Falun Gong, arresting practitioners and extorting their money. Local people became indignant and condemned the criminal deeds committed by CCP agents.

Zhou Zhong: +86-536-6461110, +86-13964608959

Friday, 7 September 2012

Steadfast Practitioners Transferred from Beijing to Inner Mongolia Forced Labor Camp to Intensify Persecution

( In early July 2012, 25 Falun Dafa practitioners in the Beijing Forced Labor Camp for Women who refused to be transformed, along with some younger practitioners, were transferred to the Tumuji Forced Labor Camp in Inner Mongolia's Zhalaiteqi, Xinganmeng. They were even more severely tortured here after one regular inmate (not a practitioner) was tortured to death and the dead inmate's family went to the Bureau of Justice in Beijing to complain. This caused some of the involved guards to be punished with jail sentences and other penalties. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is approaching its 18th national conference of party representatives, the corrupt officials in Beijing did not dare to continue their blatant persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. Thus, they transferred the female practitioners to Inner Mongolia. They thought that the Tumuji Forced Labor Camp is so far away from Beijing that it isn't easy to draw any national and international attention, and they could do anything they wanted.

The Tumuji Forced Labor Camp is currently holding these 25 Falun Dafa practitioners under strict control. On one hand, those who are steadfast are being tortured with electric shock batons and beatings while forced to work 14 hours a day (making clothes) from 7:30 a.m. until after 9:00 p.m.
It has been reported that Shen Yueqian from the Shanghai golf business in Beijing; Wang Shaohua from Northeastern China, a worker in Beijing; Zhang Xiuli from Hebei province, are all behind bars and having to work day and night as slave laborers in the Tumuji Forced Labor Camp. We ask all righteous people in China and abroad to please pay close attention to this matter!

Bureau for Reeducation through Labor in Inner Mongolia, Enforcement Supervision office, Phone: +86-471-6934694
Bureau of Reeducation through in Inner Mongolia, Labor Disciplinary Committee Office, Phone: +86-471-6292770

Tumuji Forced Labor Camp, Phone: +86-482-6710763
Ma Lizi, Party Secretary and Director; Wang Congming, Political Commissar; Di Jianjun, Deputy Political Commissar; Jiao Fuyou, Deputy Director; Xu Renjie, Director of the Political Department
Director's Phone: +86-482-6710005, Office +86-482-6710251
Li Aiye, Transformation Department Captain: +86-13948217536, 13190956780, Li Chunlei
Wang Hongxing, Deputy Commander: +86-13030446856, 13948216606

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Two Sisters in Gansu Province Repeatedly Imprisoned and Tortured

( Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Chen Shuxian and her sister Ms. Chen Jie were arrested in Lanzhou City on June 30, 2012, and sent to the Lanzhou First Detention Center. Local public security organizations have again attempted to have them sentenced to prison.   Before this current arrest, Ms. Chen Shuxian and Ms. Chen Jie had both previously been sentenced by a Communist court and tortured while they were in prison. The following is a recount of their persecution.  

Ms. Chen Shuxian (the older sister) Imprisoned for 3-1/2 years.  Since the Chinese Communist

Party (under Jiang Zemin) started persecuting Falun Gong in July 1999, Ms Chen Shuxian, 47, has been repeatedly arrested, and her money extorted by local enforcement authorities. On July 20, 1999, Ms. Chen went to appeal for Falun Gong and was fined by the Huining County Public Security Bureau.   In 2001, Ms. Chen Shuxian was arrested by Cao Guangxin, police officer from the Huining County National Security Bureau, and Zhou Guobi, police officer from the Chengguan Police Station. She was taken to the Chengguan Police Station where she was brutally tortured for two days and nights by Wang Yancai, captain of the National Security Brigade, Cao Guangxin and Wu

Xiaoxia, police officers from the Chengguan Police Station, and other police officers. Cao grabbed her by the neck and smashed her head against the wall and then kicked her repeatedly. As a result, she fell down to the ground and fainted. She was sentenced to 18 months in jail by the local public security bureau before escaping to Yinchuan City where she lived a homeless life to avoid arrest.

  Ms. Chen Shuxian was again arrested by police officers from the Branch Station of the Public Security Bureau of Yinchuan City on August 18, 2002, for displaying truth-clarification banners, and detained in Yinchuan Detention Center. After being arraigned, she was brutally tortured by police in the detention center to the point that she was unable to walk. Even then, she was forced to perform hard-labor, and given little food if she didn't finish her quota. She was arrested by the procurator of
Yinchuan City on November 18.   When Ms. Chen was in custody, her husband, unable to deal with the coercion by communist personnel, divorced her. Huining Court personnel Tuo Yuying (female) and Gou Xuesi were responsible for processing the divorce. They did not rule the case with justice, and Ms. Chen was not given any property in the divorce. Tuo later died of cancer, and before her death she told friends and family that she regretted participating in the persecution of Falun Gong, and said that she had received karmic retribution for her bad deeds.   The Yinchuan Court later conspired with the Yinchuan 610 Office and the Huining 610 Office to sentence Ms. Chen to 3-1/2 years in jail. She was detained in the Yinchuan Women's Prison. While in jail, Ms. Chen was forced to perform hard-labor, resulting in eye disease, tear-duct blockage, hair follicle inflammation, and facial shrinking. She was forced to sew clothes even after her health deteriorated. During her three-year detention, the police officers didn't allow her family to visit her. (For more details pertaining her persecution, please refer to the article,

"The Persecution of Gansu Province Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Chen Shuxian," published on the Minghui website on September 1, 2011.  (甘肃省法轮功学员陈淑娴遭迫害经历-246105.html ) (Chinese)  On February 18, 2006, Ms. Chen Shuxian's imprisonment term was over, but she was not released and instead was forcibly transferred to the Lanzhou Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center by Huining 610 Office agent Kang Yingxiang and Yun Pingqiang, captain of the Huining Public Security Bureau, for continued persecution.   Ms. Chen Shuxian returned home in the Fall of 2006. She was emaciated by then and lived with her mother who is in her eighties. However, the Chinese communist personnel didn't stop persecuting her. In October 2007, her house was ransacked and all her Falun Gong-related books and materials were confiscated. In recent years, she continues to work, to make a living.  Ms. Chen Shuxian's Younger

Sister Ms. Chen Jie Imprisoned for Three Years 

In November 2002, Ms. Chen Jie, 42, had taken clothes to her sister Ms. Chen Shuxian in the Yinchuan Detention Center. On her way home, she was followed by police. On November 16, she was arrested and her house was ransacked by the police. Three cases of truth-clarification materials, CDs, color printing stickers, and a bank book that had about 48,000 yuan in savings was taken. The police brutally hit her with a rubber-headed electric baton. They shouted, “Killing you is like trampling an ant.”  

Ms. Chen was taken to the Yinchuan Public Security Bureau where she was arraigned by political commissioner Zhang Yong. Zhang first attempted to deceive her by pretending to be kind, but he didn't succeed. He proceeded to lure her by offering her a house, a good job, and money if she would tell him the source of the truth-clarification materials. After all of his attempts failed, he ordered other police to torture her. She was hung up by her handcuffs and hit with a steel whip. Police officer Yu

Guangling tortured her for three days and nights and didn't allow her to eat or drink. He said, “If you don't tell me the source of the materials, you will be hung forever.” Ten police officers took turns torturing her. Police officer Xing Chunhua punched, kicked, and cursed at her. Police officer Zhang Anzhong said, “You, sister, are like a diamond. I would like to test how tough you really are!” The Huining County Public Security Bureau held her for 15 days. After this, she was forced to leave home, and move from place to place to avoid the police. Ms. Chen Jie was again arrested by police from the Lanzhou National Security Bureau on December 8, 2003, and detained in the Gansu

National Security Detention Center. On April 7, 2005, she was sentenced to a three-year prison term and detained in the Gansu Women's Prison where she was inhumanely tortured. The prison authorities denied visitation with her family until she was being released.   After Ms. Chen was released, she worked in Huining City and Lanzhou City to maintain a livelihood. Ms. Chen's older brother Mr. Chen Zhongxuan was arrested by the Huining National Security Bureau in September 2011 for clarifying the facts about Falun Gong to people in Zhongchuan County. He later escaped and was forced to become homeless. In order to arrest Mr. Chen, the Huining Political and Legal Affairs Committee, the 610 Office, and the National Security Bureau followed Ms. Chen. At that time, Ms. Chen was working in Lanzhou City. The Huining police conspired with the Lanzhou police and installed a camera on her stairs to monitor the people with whom she had contact.   On the morning of April 9, 2012, under the command of Shi Huaizhong from the Lanzhou Anning Branch

Administrative Security Brigade, a swarm of officers from the Shilidian Police Station broke into the a small department store owned by a family member of the Gansu Provincial Party School and took away all the computers and other items. They arrested Ms. Chen Jie and took her to Shilidian Police Station. She was interrogated and later released. The Huining National Security Bureau, Huining County government personnel, and people from the Danan Village Committee rushed to the Shilidian Police Station to find Mr. Chen Zhongxuan. When they didn't find him, they went looking for Ms. Chen Jie, but she could not be found.  

Ms. Chen Shuxian, Ms. Chen Jie, and Their Brother's Wife Imprisoned  Ms. Chen Shuxian and her sister Ms. Chen Jie were arrested in her apartment in Lanzhou City on June 30, at about 5:00 p.m. Another practitioner, Wang Yujiang from Yongdeng County, was also arrested at that time. Wang Yujiang is now detained in the Lanzhou Kangtai Hospital, and Ms. Chen and her sister were transferred to the Lanzhou First Detention Center.   Additionally, Ms. Chen's older brother Mr. Chen Zhongxuan and his wife Ms. Han Xiufang were arrested by officers from the Zhongchuan Police Station and the Huining Public Security Bureau as they were clarifying the facts about Falun Gong to people in Zhongchuan County. At that time, Mr. Chen escaped and has since been forced to become homeless. On February 28, 2012, the Huining Court tried Ms. Han Xiufang and other practitioners. A lawyer from Beijing was hired to defend her. In the face of facts, the judge had nothing to say. However, to date, Ms. Han has not been released and is still detained in the Lanzhou First Detention Center.

The Lanzhou First Detention Center is known as a notorious evil den that has detained and persecuted numerous Falun Gong practitioners. From 2001 to 2003, three practitioners, including Liu Lanxiang, Zhang Fengyun, and Wan Guifu, were persecuted to death, and many others were persecuted to the extent that they became disabled.   Ms. Chen's sister-in-law Ms. Han Xiufang is detained in the Baiyin Detention Center. Currently, only Ms. Chen's 90-year-old mother is home. She is alone, with no one to take care of her. Related personnel's information:

 Li Yonggang, captain, National Security Brigade: +86-13639361807 (Cell)
Li Jihui, Huining County Politics and Law Bureau (secretary and captain of the Public Security Bureau): +86-1363936100 (Cell), +86-13639304033 (Cell), +86-943-3220110, +86-943-3221465 (Office)
Kang Yingxiang, director of the 610 Office: +86-13639361376 (Cell), +86-943-3221465 (Office)
Please refer to the original Chinese text for more names and telephone numbers.

Chicago: Practitioners Participate in the Wheaton Labor Day Parade (Photo)

( America greeted its extended Labor Day weekend on September 3, 2012. Falun Gong practitioners in Chicago made use of this long weekend to introduce Falun Gong's benefits and raise awareness about the Chinese Communist Party's persecution of Falun Gong. Besides continuing their weekend activity at their usual information display site in Chinatown, they also participated in the Labor Day Parade in Wheaton, west of Chicago.
The Falun Gong group's float decorated with lotus flowers Wheaton is named the healthiest of Chicago's largest suburbs, with top-ranked schools and a nationally ranked library.   Falun Gong practitioners provided the only Chinese entry in the parade, and it was the first time they participated in this parade. A large “lotus flower” float led the contingent. In the center of the huge pink lotus flowers was a celestial maiden dressed in pink who smiled and waved to the spectators. Several Falun Gong practitioners in exercise suits of different colors demonstrated the exercises. Many spectators praised the float and took photos and videos. Right behind the float were banners reading “Falun Dafa Is Good” and “Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong.” Then came the waist drum team in blue and gold costumes. The resounding drums won enthusiastic applause from spectators.   Many spectators thanked the Falun Gong group for bringing traditional Chinese culture to their neighborhood. They also showed sympathy for Falun Gong practitioners suffering persecution in China and supported the practitioners' efforts to call for an end to the persecution. People from Wheaton and surrounding cities signed the petition to oppose the persecution and asked to learn more about Falun Gong. When one woman heard of the Chinese Communist regime's atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, she thought it was unbelievable that such evil exists in this world. She signed the petition and told a practitioner sincerely, “Keep it up! I'll pray for you.”

U.K.: Introducing Falun Gong at Kingston Carnival (Photos


( The annual Kingston Carnival was held on September 2, 2012 in Kingston, London. The theme of this year's carnival was “Bringing the World to Kingston.” Falun Gong practitioners in the U.K. participated for the 4th time in this popular summer festival celebration, and once again brought information about Falun Gong to the carnival-goers.

Falun Gong exercise demonstration stands out at Kingston Carnival Early that morning, practitioners set up their information booth in the location specified by the carnival organizers. In addition to setting up informational display boards, several practitioners stood nearby and began demonstrating the five sets of exercises. Several other practitioners handed out flyers and spoke with people to introduce the Falun Gong exercises, raise awareness about the persecution of Falun Gong and collect signatures to call for an end to the persecution. A practitioner collected signatures to call for help to rescue his father who is being severely persecuted in a prison in China. Kingston Carnival organizers also made a special arrangement for the practitioners to demonstrate the exercises in three small squares where there was the main flow of people. Practitioners dressed in yellow exercise suits and the peaceful exercise music attracted the attention of many people who stopped to watch.
Signing the petition to call for an end to the persecution The Falun Gong booth also attracted the attention of a large number of passersby. Many stopped to watch the exercise demonstration, pick up materials, and sign the petition to call for an end to the persecution.
Police chief in charge of the security at Kingston Carnival signs the petition to support Falun Gong practitioners' efforts to end the persecution A sheriff who was in charge of security during the Kingston Carnival met with Falun Gong practitioners in last year's carnival, and had learned the facts about Falun Gong then. As soon as he saw the practitioners' booth this year, he walked over to greet the practitioners, and signed the petition to call for an end to the persecution. Another police officer who was with the sheriff listened to a practitioner tell him about the CCP's brutal persecution, and said that he was glad that Falun Gong practitioners can demonstrate the exercises at Kingston Carnival.
Matthew hears about Falun Gong for the first time and signs the petition Matthew is a fitness coach in Kingston. This event was the first time that he heard about Falun Gong. He had had great interest in qigong. He watched the exercise demonstration for a long time, and said he felt peaceful energy from the practitioners. He was shocked upon learning about the persecution, and said that it should be stopped and more people should be aware of this. He said that it sounded like Falun Gong has become a worldwide phenomenon, but he didn't even know about it. He said he would immediately get online to learn more about Falun Gong after getting back home.

A young girl named Poppy signs the petition to oppose the persecution A young girl named Poppy and her parents came to the information booth. The family also heard about Falun Gong for the first time. The mother listened to a practitioner tell her about Falun Gong and the persecution, and then told Poppy what she heard. Poppy asked to sign the petition. When being asked why she wanted to sign, the little girl said earnestly, “The persecution is really terrible. I hope they (Falun Gong practitioners) can freely practice in their own country.” At the end of the day's activity, more than a dozen people said they planned to go to practice sites to learn Falun Gong.

Monday, 3 September 2012

Members of the International Medical Community Condemn Chinese Communist Party's Live Organ Harvesting (Part 2) (Photos)

( Part 1:
In early March 2006, several witnesses exposed to the international community the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) atrocities of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners at Sujiatun Concentration Camp and at least 36 other concentration camps in China. Over the past six years, with Falun Gong practitioners' continued efforts to raise awareness about this atrocity, the international medical community has continued to express concern about the CCP’s practice of forced organ harvesting from living people.

Doctors Believe Allegations of CCP Organ Harvesting from Living Falun Gong Practitioners

Dr. Rudolf Garcia Gallont from Guatemala is a member of The Transplant Society (TTS). He told this reporter during a TTS conference in Sydney, Australia in August 2008, that since 2006, TTS has paid close attention to the allegations of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China. Dr. Garcia said, "Since this problem with Falun Gong was brought up in Boston two years ago, The Transplant Society started to take action; I don't think there is any doubt that every doctor who is here knows that this is happening, and has a very clear opinion about it."

Dr. Garcia condemns the CCP's organ harvesting atrocities
Dr. Garcia condemned the CCP's atrocities of live organ harvesting. He said that it is officially known that this problem exists in China. He said that it is condemnable and that the TTS has taken a very clear stand.
DAFOH: Falun Gong Practitioners are the Largest Group of Victims of the CCP's Live Organ Harvesting Atrocities

Dr. Dana Churchill, Southern California representative for Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting, said that a lot of evidence shows that Falun Gong practitioners are the largest group of victims of the CCP's live organ harvesting atrocities.

Dr. Churchill stressed that the CCP's atrocities of live organ harvesting is gaining more and more attention and protest from the medical community.
During a rally held on May 27, 2012 in Los Angeles to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Introduction to the Public and to support 116 million Chinese people quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations, Dr. Dana Churchill exposed an appalling crime of the CCP in the persecution of Falun Gong – harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, and selling the organs to international patients for huge profit in organ transplantation surgeries.

Dr. Dana Churchill, Southern California representative for Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting
Dr. Churchill mentioned that Jacob Lavee, director of the Heart Transplantation Unit at Sheba Medical Center, one of the most prestigious hospitals in Israel, wrote a paper that was published in The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation in March 2012. Dr. Lavee believes that as long as doctors in China continue to participate in obtaining organs from executed prisoners and Falun Gong practitioners to provide organs for patient from around the world, the international medical community, especially the organ transplant medical community, has a moral obligation to condemn those doctors who perform such organ transplant surgeries.

Dr. Lavee from Israel said that since April 2012, insurance companies in Israel have been forbidden to reimburse patients for any kind of transplants performed abroad
Scottish Christian Party Leader Strongly Condemns the Live Organ Harvesting Atrocities

Mr. Donald Boyd
Dr. Donald Boyd, leader of the Scottish Christian Party, stated, “I think it is very credible [that the allegations of the CCP harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners are true], so I think it should be followed till the end. Western governments and medical professionals should make every effort to help prove the allegations.” Dr. Boyd strongly condemned the atrocities of organ harvesting from unwilling victims, which violate human rights and are unacceptable. He said, "Without a doubt [the crime of organ harvesting] violates all moral codes, including medical ethics and even humanity. No moral code would accept these [atrocities]."

International Renowned Expert: The Worst Atrocity in the Field of Organ Transplantation

Professor Arthur Caplan, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania, is an acknowledged expert in his field and has been regarded as one of the ten most influential scientists in the world. On March 13, 2012, Professor Caplan gave a lecture at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine entitled “The Ethics of Using Prisoners as Sources of Cadaver Organs.” In the lecture, he highlighted the horrific crimes of harvesting organs by “killing for need” in China. Professor Caplan called killing to harvest organs “the worst atrocity in the field of organ transplantation,” and “a disgrace to humanity.”

Dr. Arthur Caplan

Professor Caplan proposed in 2011 to boycott in The Lancet transplant papers from China and any other countries, which are based on killing on demand. The Lancet is one of the oldest scientific medical journals in the world, and has established a significant reputation. Other medical journals have also joined the boycott, including the American Journal of Transplantation, American Journal of Bioethics, Transplantation Proceedings, and Journal of Clinical Investigation.

UCLA Medical Director: Doctors Should Condemn the CCP's Barbaric Organ Harvesting

As Falun Gong practitioners around the world held activities to raise awareness about the CCP's 13-year persecution of Falun Gong in July 2012, the book State Organs: Transplant Abuse in China, was published. This book follows the publication of “Bloody Harvest—Revised Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China” by human rights attorney David Matas and former Canadian Secretary of State David Kilgour. Both books provide clear evidence supporting the allegations of organ harvesting crimes in China.

University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) professor Gabriel Danovitch, M.D., who serves as the medical director of the Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Program at UCLA, mentioned in his essay that doctors in a free society should refuse and condemn the barbaric organ harvesting practices happening in China. As has Professor Caplan, Dr. Danovitch also suggested that medical journals not publish transplant papers from China. Doctors from China should not be allowed to discuss their organ transplantation surgeries in medical conferences, unless they clearly indicate that the organs they used are not from executed prisoners.

Dr. Torsten Trey, Executive Director of Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting, said in his essay that usually, the donors agree to donate organs with free consent; however in China, according to official statements, more than 90% of organs come from executed prisoners. This is already a breach of western medical ethical standards. “Killing human beings for their organs in order to provide transplantation for others... leads transplant medicine as well as medicine in general into ad absurdum,” said Dr. Trey in his essay.

MD Torsten Trey, spokesperson for Doctors Against Organ Harvesting
For further information about live organ harvesting, please see Organ Harvesting Overview .
Related article: “Members of the Medical Community Condemn Chinese Communist Party’s Live Organ Harvesting (Photos)”

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Shanghai Computer Engineer Mr. Hou Junjie Illegally Tried, His Younger Brother Arrested for Hiring a Lawyer

By a Minghui correspondent in Shanghai
Name: Hou Junjie (侯钧杰)
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Address: Luojia New Village, Xujing Town, Shanghai
Occupation: Engineer
Date of Most Recent Arrest: April 25, 2012
Most Recent Place of Detention: Qingpu District Detention Center (青浦看守所 )
City: Shanghai
Persecution Suffered: Home ransacked, detention, illegal trial   ( Qingpu Court officials tried computer engineer Mr. Hou Junjie on August 20, 2012. Mr. Hou's younger brother Mr. Hou Mengqiang was arrested for hiring a lawyer for his brother. Shanghai police made the arrest on August 23 in Zhengzhou City. The court officials intended to hold a second court session, and told Mr. Hou Junjie's lawyer not to defend Mr. Hou in court. Mr. Hou Junjie had been working in Shanghai until he was arrested by officers from the Xujing Police Station in Qingpu District on April 25, 2012. The Shanghai judicial system intended to sentence him to imprisonment. Mr. Hou's younger brother Mr. Hou Mengqiang in Zhengzhou hired a lawyer to enter a not-guilty plea for his older brother.   Mr. Hou Mengqiang has been harassed twice by officers from the Zhengzhou Domestic Security Division since he hired the lawyer. The first time was around June 28, when he was summoned and interrogated. At that time his computer was confiscated. The second harassment took place on August 22. Officers from the Zhengzhou Domestic Security Division went to his company to look for him, but could not find him.   When Mr. Hou Mengqiang was walking on the street with his colleague around 11:00 p.m. on August 23, four plainclothes police officers who claimed they came from Shanghai arrested him.   Shortly after, Mr. Hou Junjie's lawyer Xiong Daiying received a notice from the Qingpu Court, saying that a second court session against Mr. Hou would begin at 9:15 a.m. on August 31. However, the court officials told the lawyer not to appear in court, but that to write a statement of legal opinion and mail it to Shanghai would be sufficient. According to an upright lawyer in Beijing who analyzed this notice, the Qingpu Court intentionally excluded the lawyer, which means that a verdict will be directly pronounced during the court session.   Mr. Hou Mengqiang has been transferred to Shanghai. His employer will go to Shanghai on August 27 to handle the matter.   Related article:
“Shanghai Computer Engineer Mr. Hou Yunjie Arrested”

Guangzhou Lawyer Mr. Zhu Yubiao Sent to Brainwashing Center After 2 Years in Prison

By a Minghui correspondent in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China

Name: Zhu Yubiao (朱宇飚)
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Address: Unknown
Occupation: Attorney
Date of Most Recent Arrest: August 18, 2010
Most Recent Place of Detention: Beijiang Prison (北江监狱)
City: Shaoguan
Province: Guangdong
Persecution Suffered: Illegal sentencing and imprisonment, brainwashing   ( On

August 18, 2010, Guangzhou Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhu Yubiao was arrested at his home. He was illegally sentenced to two years in prison and sent to the Beijiang Prison in Shaoguan. On August 17, 2012, after serving two years in prison, Mr. Zhu should have been released, but instead the 610 Office sent him to the Sanshui Brainwashing Center. Mr. Zhu Yubiao received his master's degree from Zhongshan University. He is a lawyer of strong moral character, and often defends disadvantaged people either for very little money or for free. He has received coverage in the local media for his kind acts. From 2005 to 2006, Mr. Zhu successively defended three Falun Gong practitioners who were illegally arrested and tried. During one of the trials, the prosecutor was at a loss and said, “If you feel the practice is good, then do it at home and don't come out.” They knew that Mr. Zhu's defense was based on the law and the facts.   Mr. Zhu was due to be released on

August 17, 2012. Before that day, Mr. Zhu's mother wrote to Beijiang Prison Director Xiao that they would come to the prison to pick up their son. On August 15, 2012, Mr. Zhu's father called Xiao to tell him that he and his attorney were coming to the prison to pick up his son. Xiao told him that there was no need to come to the prison. He would leave the prison after he had completed the procedures.

On August 17, Mr. Zhu's father asked a police officer as to the time they would need to complete the procedures. The officer said that they didn't need to do anything except to sign some documents. The officer also said that the earliest time was 8 a.m. All indications were that Mr. Zhu was still being held in the Beijiang Prison.   At about 4 p.m. on August 15, five people - the Director of the Xingang 610 Office, Director of Community Committees of Zhongshan University, City Management Zhao Shigang, Song from a judiciary agency, and a retiree from Zhongshan University, came to Mr. Zhu's father's home. They told Mr. Zhu's father that they had received notice from Haizhu District the day before and that he did not need to go pick up his son, as he was being sent to the Sanshui City Legal System School (a brainwashing center) first and that they would notify him in a few days. The family was shocked. Mr. Zhu's mother asked them to make it clear whose notice it was, but they didn't want to say.   During the past two years, Mr. Zhu's aging parents have been worried about their only son day and night, and have been looking forward to his returning home. They have been waiting for this day, but did not anticipate that their son would be imprisoned again. One can imagine their suffering.

Mr. Zhu's father is a retired physics professor of Zhongshan University and had been presiding over a United Nations research project for the university. He didn't believe that a judicial body would not follow the law and still held a glimmer of hope, so he decided to go to pick up his son. The 76-year-old father and his lawyer traveled more than 280 kilometers to Shaoguang. On August 17, they arrived at the Beijiang Prison before 8 a.m.   They proceeded to a building where a policewoman helped him enter the information into the computer. She told them to wait there and Mr. Zhu would come out from the iron gate later. After waiting for more than twenty minutes, Mr. Zhu's father inquired to the policewoman about the situation. She made a call and told them to wait. Another twenty minutes passed and he again asked the policewoman. She told him that it might take more time for them to check the file. She then made a call to urge them to hurry. Another twenty minutes had gone by, so Mr. Zhu's father again asked the policewoman. She made another call. Mr. Zhu's father then saw the policewoman's smiling face suddenly harden, and she seemed to be rebuked from the call. She put down the phone and told Mr.   Zhu's father that Mr. Zhu had been picked up already.

He asked her when this happened, who had picked him up, and where they had gone. The policewoman told him that he had to ask the officers of the prison supervisor section in the building across the street. Mr. Zhu's father and the lawyer went across the street and saw prison director Xiao with two police officers. Mr. Zhu's father asked Xiao for his son. Xiao said: “I can only hand over your son to the local government, not you.”   The attorney questioned him on why things were handled this way and what law stipulated that family members were not allowed to pick him up. Xiao told them that he was just following the internal regulations. When Mr. Zhu's father asked to see the signed release document, Xiao said: “Why should I let you see it? It is our internal affair.” Seeing the indignant father and his attorney leaving the prison, Xiao told two security personnel to take off their uniforms and follow them.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

A Falun Gong Practitioner's Compassion

( When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong, it utilized a large amount of national resources to spread false information about Falun Gong to the world. Many Chinese people residing in Toronto, Canada were among those who believed the CCP's false propaganda. However, through continuous efforts by the local practitioners to clarify the truth about Falun Gong, they have pierced through the lies of the CCP. Consequently, many Chinese people who initially had misunderstandings have changed their views about Falun Gong.

As a local practitioner, Ms. Wu Yanxia has been clarifying the truth in Toronto's Chinatown for the last eleven years. Being a cultivator, Ms. Wu naturally exudes kindness and peacefulness, and has made many friends in the local community. She said, “A kind smile can shorten the distance between two people and eliminate animosity in others. When I help people with baby carriages or the elderly by opening the door for them, I'm able to melt their indifferent attitudes. When I warmly extend my helping hands to those who need help, I can rid them of their numb and puzzled facial expressions.”
Practitioner Ms. Wu Yanxia distributing information materials about Falun Gong
During the past eleven years, Ms. Wu noticed a gradual change in the attitude of Chinese people toward Falun Gong. She also saw many kindhearted people supporting Falun Gong. Ms. Wu said, “I sense the transformation by looking at people's facial expressions. Some will smile at me or greet me, others will say a few words of support and encouragement.”

The Owner of a Pharmacy - from Being Hostile to Being Hospitable

The Falun Gong information display board is located next to a pharmacy. When Wu Yanxian first came here, other practitioners said the owner of the pharmacy was very unfriendly to the practitioners. Every day, she would walk by the display in a hurry, with a hostile looks in her eyes. She wanted to talk to the owner, but could not find the opportunity to do so.
Whenever the owner walked by Ms. Wu, she would say to her, “Do you know what is happening in China, the land that we love? Please take a look at the informational material,” or “Do you know why we are standing here? Please read the informational materials and you will understand.”
Two days, one month, and two months went by... Ms. Wu said, “Although we were next to each other, out hearts were very far apart.”

It snowed heavily one cold winter night. The next day when Ms. Wu set up the display board, the snow on the ground was packed very tight by pedestrians who had been stepping on it. Ms. Wu walked to the pharmacy and asked the owner, “May I please borrow your snow shovel? Ours is broken.”

The owner agreed to lend her the snow shovel. Ms. Wu thanked the owner and cleaned up the snow in the display area, including the area in front of the pharmacy. She then bought a bag of salt from the supermarket and spread the salt on the ground to prevent ice from forming.
Ms. Wu cleaned the shovel, and returned it to the owner. The owner smiled for the first time. Ms. Wu recalled, “The owner had such a bright smile. She thanked me and asked me with great concern, 'Your hands are cold and red. Why don't you put on some gloves?'”
“Ever since then, when the owner walked by the display board, she would look at the display and smile at us.” Ms. Wu continued, “One time I ran into her in the subway station. She greeted me as if I was an old friend of hers. When she found out that I had an evening job and clarified the truth by the display board during the day, she told me to take good care of myself.”

Owner of Grocery Store Looked After the Information Display Area

There is a grocery store near the display area. Every time the owner of the grocery store saw the display, he would get very upset and complain. One day Ms. Wu kindly said to him, “Please let us know if you have any thoughts or opinions. Getting upset is bad for your health.” The grocery store owner angrily pointed at a photo and said, “Look at this picture! It's so bloody! Don't you think it is so unsightly and unappealing?”

Ms. Wu replied, “But those are facts...” The owner interrupted her and said, “Alright, alright. I don't want to listen to you anymore.” He then walked away.
On another occasion, the owner pointed angrily at the display and complained, “I don't understand. Why are you showing this negative news to outsiders. How can you be proud of it? Don't you have any shame? We are all Chinese, so why are you doing this?”
Wu Yanxia understood his concern, so she said to him: “You are right. The Chinese people love saving face. We would rather starve ourselves and offer the good food to our guests. No matter how much we are being wronged, we still show our smiles to others. Do you really think we like these photos? Don't you think we'd rather show outsiders things of our country that we could be proud of? Do you know that there are so many people that have been arrested, sentenced, and tortured because they spoke the truth to the government? Do you know that my relative is jailed because he did not want to lie to people? We are being persecuted for trying to be good people, and being jailed for speaking the truth. Do you think that's fair? Would a nation have any hope if the government censors the truth and persecutes the good people?”

Ms. Wu continued, “Then I burst into tears and couldn't talk anymore. The owner was initially very angry, then his face turned red. Later he calmed down and said in a low voice, 'I know. I know what the CCP has done, but I just feel uncomfortable when I see these pictures.' Later when he walked by the display board, he would have a smile on his face.”

One evening, Ms. Wu stayed very late at the display board area. No one came to take over her shift. She did not have a cell phone or the phone number of the coordinator. She saw the owner of the grocery store and told him the situation. The owner asked her if there was any money inside the material box. She said, “No.” Then he said, “I will watch the area for you. Why don't you go make some phone calls?” Ms. Wu looked in her pockets but could not find her wallet. The owner gave her a coin. With that coin, Ms. Wu called her family and asked them to contact the coordinator. The owner did not leave the display area until Ms. Wu finished the phone call.
Ms. Wu said, “Since then, every year when Shen Yun Performing Arts is in Toronto, I would put posters on his store front. He would always reply with a smile, and tell me to post as many as I want.”

A Veteran Cadre Reads the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and Quits the CCP While Visiting His Relatives

In recent years, many people from Mainland China traveled to Canada to visit relatives, while others come for business, or leisure purposes. Ms. Wu said, “They were very surprised to see our display board. They would look at the display and listen to us talk. Last spring, an elderly man who looked like a CCP cadre came here to visit his relatives. After he understood the truth about Falun Gong, he asked for a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.” I urged him to quit the party, but he refused.”

“I saw him two months later, and he seemed to avoid us intentionally. When I greeted him, he purposefully talked about other things, avoiding the topic of the Nine Commentaries or “quitting the party.' When I asked him if he had finished reading the Nine Commentaries, he said he was a good person, did good deeds, was not greedy, and did not take bribes.”
Ms. Wu was afraid to miss the opportunity and not be able to see him in the future, so she said, “Actually, those who add glory to the CCP are committing a crime!” The man had a blank look then asked seriously, “Why do you say that?” Ms. Wu answered, “Because those who praise the CCP are misleading the people in their views of the party. They are acknowledging what the CCP has done is great, glorious, and correct. Think about it. After the CCP was established, why did it recruit the elites in the field of the academia, arts and literature, and sports? Wasn't it to make the CCP look good? When people with a conscience learn about its true nature and continue to uphold the CCP at all cost, isn't that committing a crime against the Chinese people?”
“He blushed and was speechless. After a lengthy discussion, he agreed to quit the CCP using an alias.”

A Mainland Chinese Businessman Offers Sugar Cane Juice

Last summer, Ms. Wu met a businessman from Shenyang City, in the northeastern part of China. Because Mainland Chinese people do not follow local business laws and regulations and due to the collusion between business and government officials, this businessman had a lot of problems operating his business. He agreed with the principles of Falun Gong, and admired the practitioners' resistance against the persecution.

The first time they met, Ms. Wu quietly listened to his story. He lamented, “I wish the Chinese people could be like Falun Gong practitioners. Chinese people need to be awakened to the truth.” It was a very warm day. Before he left, he bought two glasses of sugar cane juice from the booth next door and offered them to Ms. Wu and another practitioner. It was a sign of respect from the businessman.

After eleven years of clarifying the truth to this small Chinese community, Wu Yanxia noticed the change in attitude in many Chinese people. She said, “Two days ago, I saw a Chinese man who used to live in Chinatown. Later he moved to Markham, Ontario. In the past, he often criticized and argued with us while looking at the display board. In recent years, he stopped coming here because of his illness. He was very excited to see us here and lamented, 'Wow! You are still here? Because of your unwavering spirit, I believe in the near future, the sun will bring freedom and warmth to the land of China!'”

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Lawyers Admonish the Judge in Court: Do Not Support the Communist Regime's Illegal Acts

( On August 10, 2012, perpetrators from the Zhengzhuangzi Central Court in Kaiping District, Tangshan, Hebei Province put four Falun Gong practitioners on trial, including Li Wendong, Yue Changcun, Zhang Guochen, and Yang Zheng. Lawyers including Xie Yanyi defended them. The following is an account of the trial.
 Interference Prior to the Trial Li Wendong was arrested by the police on the morning of February 25, and his house was ransacked. Li Yuemei, the wife of Li Wendong, was also detained the same day. During the entire time they were arresting practitioners, the police showed no identification. Even though it was known that the couple was persecuted, in the company where they worked, Tangshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., no one cared.   In order to rescue her husband, Li Yuemei asked for help and hired a lawyer to plead not guilty for Li Wendong. Li Yuemei knows that her husband has committed no crimes. Based on her own legal knowledge, she wrote appeal letters to various government departments, hoping that righteous people would lend a helping hand. Li Yuemei also directly contacted the Kaiping Domestic Security Division and demanded the return of the personal belongings they took away. Their company management warned Li Yuemei to stop what she was doing and to distance herself from or divorce her husband. Yang Ji from the company's Domestic Security Division questioned Li  Yuemei and tried to get information from her, such as how she found the lawyer, if she wrote the letters herself, and other questions. Li Yuemei requested that Li Wendong be told the news that her mother had passed away. However, the perpetrators in her company did not do it. On August 7, 2012, Li Yuemei received notification of the trial date and asked for a day off to go to court with the lawyer and to visit her husband at the detention center. However, the company only allowed her a half-day off. During the trial, they insisted on taking Li Yuemei to the court in the company car.   In early August, Li Wendong's lawyer Xie Yanyi received a phone call from Zhao Lizuo from Kaiping Court requesting that she get a statement from the local bar association and the local police station to prove that the lawyer does not practice Falun Gong. The lawyer sternly rejected the request. On the day of the trial, there were several police officers, both uniformed and plainclothes, outside of the courtroom. The police and police cars not only filled the streets around the court, but were also inside the nearby depot as well as in the residential areas. A camera patrol car kept driving back and forth around the area outside the courtroom, taking video recordings of everyone. The police ordered away all pedestrians in the area.
Streets filled with police, plainclothes officers, and police cars
A camera patrol car and police officers video recording people
Police and plainclothes officers outside the courtroom  All the practitioners present were being monitored. Several practitioners from Majiagou were sent back home, and some of them were still being watched even after they returned home. Some of the police watched them and took notes. Gao Zhaochen's trial was held on the same day, and his family car was forcibly searched. When the family demanded to see a search warrant, the police refused to show them any documents.  The police knew that Li Wendong's mother-in-law had passed away, but did not tell him.  Lawyers Admonish the Judge: Do Not Pay for the Communist Regime's Illegal Acts In court, lawyer Xie Yanyi pointed out that the police arrested Li Wendong first and then searched for evidence afterwards. Due to Li Wen-dong's personal belief, he has been detained for nearly six months. The lawyer asserted that the law must not be twisted around and used as a tool by a handful of officials to achieve their personal goals. The lives of innocent people can not be ruined in exchange for political power or to satisfy personal interests! ...and the judges should think rationally and not support the regime's illegal acts and the monumental debt it is accumulating. The lawyer made it very clear that Li Wendong's modifying his printer and having Falun Gong materials does not constitute a crime!   While lawyer Xie Yanyi was speaking, the judge Zhao Lizuo kept hammering on the gavel to interrupt his questions. After the judge had done this several times, Zhang Guochen's lawyer Wang Quanzhang reminded the judge, “Please don't hammer the gavel at will.” Zhao Lizuo restrained himself a bit after that.