The Tumuji Forced Labor Camp is currently holding these 25 Falun Dafa practitioners under strict control. On one hand, those who are steadfast are being tortured with electric shock batons and beatings while forced to work 14 hours a day (making clothes) from 7:30 a.m. until after 9:00 p.m.
It has been reported that Shen Yueqian from the Shanghai golf business in Beijing; Wang Shaohua from Northeastern China, a worker in Beijing; Zhang Xiuli from Hebei province, are all behind bars and having to work day and night as slave laborers in the Tumuji Forced Labor Camp. We ask all righteous people in China and abroad to please pay close attention to this matter!

Bureau for Reeducation through Labor in Inner Mongolia, Enforcement Supervision office, Phone: +86-471-6934694
Bureau of Reeducation through in Inner Mongolia, Labor Disciplinary Committee Office, Phone: +86-471-6292770

Tumuji Forced Labor Camp, Phone: +86-482-6710763
Ma Lizi, Party Secretary and Director; Wang Congming, Political Commissar; Di Jianjun, Deputy Political Commissar; Jiao Fuyou, Deputy Director; Xu Renjie, Director of the Political Department
Director's Phone: +86-482-6710005, Office +86-482-6710251
Li Aiye, Transformation Department Captain: +86-13948217536, 13190956780, Li Chunlei
Wang Hongxing, Deputy Commander: +86-13030446856, 13948216606